About Us
The District is a legal subdivision of the State Government and subject to approval of the Board of Supervisors of the East Rio Arriba Soil and Water Conservation District. The Watershed District was created under the authority of the Watershed District Act enacted by the 1957 New Mexico State Legislature. The District has the authority to the following:
Levy an annual assessment on property within the District, not to exceed five mills per dollars of assessed value for administration, construction, operation and maintenance of improvements.
Acquire, by purchase, gift grant, bequest device or through condemnation proceedings, such lands or right of ways as are necessary for the exercise of any authorized function of the District .
Construct, improve, operate, contract and maintain such structures as may be necessary for any authorized function.
Borrow such money, as is necessary or required by the District in the performance of it's functions, and repay these loans with the proceeds of the annual assessments.
Receive and grant assistance and cooperate with counties, municipalities, and State and Federal agencies in carrying out the provisions for the Watershed District Act.
More About Upper Rio Grande Watershed District
The Upper Rio Grande Watershed District is developing a watershed improvement program to address the broader conditions of the watershed through partnerships with land management agencies, identifying funding opportunities and planning for future projects to decrease damage caused by flooding and erosion within the watershed.
The Upper Rio Grande Watershed District currently operates and maintains 7 flood control structures to prevent flooding to the downstream communities.