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Lyden Flood Control Channel
The Lyden Flood Control Canal is channel that was constructed along the shoulder of Rio Arriba County Road 57's right-of-way, to protect residents, farmers, and ranchers in the community from local arroyo flooding and groundwater inundation. Over the years the existing channel has filled in with sediment and is overgrown with vegetation. The flow capacity of the canal has been reduced to essentially an elongated detention basin. Heavy sediment transport impacted the Lyden Flood Control Channel through an existing arroyo crossing at the private road/county road intersection. This arroyo also conveys flow from a desagüe (drainage) on the Lyden Acequia.
The Upper Rio Grande Watershed District was able to complete the project through secured funding. It was a collaborative project between Upper Rio Grande Watershed District and Rio Arriba County to help improve the flooding and groundwater inundation. Sierra Engineering Solutions LLC (SES). was procured for project design and construction procurement/oversight. The construction was completed by Adame Construction. The project was funded through capitol outlay and mill levy taxes.
Improvements included the construction of a wide, reinforced, concrete cattleguard sediment trap at the site crossing. The grates are removeable to provide access to clean sediment that will accumulate below the cattleguard over time.
Before Completion of the Project
During Construction Photos
(Photo Credit: John Schrandt (SES))
Placement of jersey barriers alongside project site.
Tying Reinforcing Steel for Structure Foundation
Reinforcing Steel for Southeast Wingwall to Support Existing Irrigation Culvert
Excavation for New Sediment Basin/Cattleguard Structure
Setting Forms and Tying Reinforcing Steel for Concrete Walls
Placing Reinforced Concrete Foundation
Completion of Construction Project
Wide Wingwall Cattleguard Structure and Secured Pedestrian Railings
Wide Reinforced Cattleguard Structure
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